“So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.” (Ephesians 4: 11-13)

Our church is deeply committed to a diverse range of ministries, each carefully designed to meet the spiritual needs of our congregation and to further our unwavering commitment to our vision and mission.

Sunday School Ministry

Our Sunday School ministry is central to nurturing the spiritual growth of the new generation. Our dedicated teachers create an enriching environment, helping children establish a strong foundation of faith. In these uncertain times, we prioritize relational, scriptural, and experiential child discipleship, instilling lasting biblical values for their life journeys.

Women’s Ministry

Our Women’s ministry focuses on intercession and spiritual companionship. We unite in prayer, offering support through life’s trials and triumphs. We believe in the power of united prayer and the strength of spiritual bonds, fostering deep connections among women on their unique faith journeys.

Youth Ministry

Our Youth Ministry is a dynamic force in our church, nurturing the next generation of leaders. Through engaging activities, mentorship, and community, we empower youth to grow spiritually, discover purpose, and live out their faith boldly. In a world filled with numerous challenges and temptations, we provide a haven for lasting relationships with peers and God, equipping them with an unwavering future of faith and conviction.

Men’s Ministry

Committed to helping men grow as spiritual leaders, our Men’s Ministry provides a supportive and enriching environment where they can connect, learn, and deepen their faith. Through mentorship, fellowship, and shared experiences, our Men’s Ministry empowers men to lead their families, communities, and workplaces with integrity, while living out their faith.


We are wholeheartedly engaged in missions through a variety of activities, each rooted in our unwavering commitment to spreading the message of the gospel. These endeavors include outreach activities, personal evangelism, acts of service, and charity, all designed to actively demonstrate our dedication to fulfilling the Great Commission and sharing the love of Christ with those in need.